January 08, 2017
By Donkin
Accruing almost 80,000 Total Rewards points in 2015 only through online poker play on WSOP.com suggested to me that reaching the coveted Seven Stars level at 150,000 points in 2016 was not out of the question. Though I intended at the start of the year to do the whole thing with online poker, it quickly became apparent that was not possible, at least not without playing too much poker and likely suffering for it with a lower earn rate –
December 31, 2016
By Donkin
Giddy with excitement on December 29 when I expected WSOP.com to credit my play for the month, I checked my Total Rewards account early in the morning to find my points having crossed the threshold to Seven Stars but my account still sitting at Diamond. In the next 24 hours, I would learn that it can take 2-3 weeks for a first-time Seven Stars status to be credited and that Seven Stars benefits do not take effect until February 1.
November 25, 2016
By Donkin
Booking your Total Rewards Atlantis Vacation Update March 2017: Be aware that while this promotion has been maintained for 2017, most of the packages have been reduced a little. For example, the base Seven Stars no longer has a $100/day folio credit. This year Total Rewards has offered its members a fantastic promotion with the amazing Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. I would recommend everyone who is able to take advantage of this to absolutely do it as rates at
September 03, 2016
By Donkin
It seems that with the Spring Tier Bonus, and some above average play for me in July and August, I have managed to put myself in striking distance of earning Seven Stars with Total Rewards. Do it all with poker? With 50,000 points to go and 4 months to do it, that would mean playing 12,500 APPs per month on Wsop.com. That is a reasonable goal. Although it is a bit much for me, especially considering I have 16 credits