

Donkin's Blog

Seven Stars – now waiting

Reached Seven Stars point level but not yet upgraded.

Giddy with excitement on December 29 when I expected to credit my play for the month, I checked my Total Rewards account early in the morning to find my points having crossed the threshold to Seven Stars but my account still sitting at Diamond.

In the next 24 hours, I would learn that it can take 2-3 weeks for a first-time Seven Stars status to be credited and that Seven Stars benefits do not take effect until February 1.

The reason for this is Total Rewards will not grant Seven Stars to anyone who is in bad standing with markers, or had some property complaint (punched a dealer perhaps). The procedure is once someone reaches the points threshold, an email is sent to that player’s dominant property. My dominant property is Lake Tahoe and I happened to be there at the time enjoying my Diamond Aspiration over New Years.

I managed to sit down with a casino host who explained all this to me. He said he would try to push it through faster for me but then called me after a short time and informed me the player director said it was too busy currently and that the Seven Stars upgrades would come after the New Years.

This worried me immensely. While I haven’t heard of players being denied Seven Stars because they are online poker players, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Though, I do know of one online poker player who was granted Seven Stars, so I hope I’m just being paranoid.

No dominant property?

The way it was explained to me, it seems like being solely a player, it may be difficult to receive Seven Stars status, though perhaps the Rio would be the dominant property in that case. I may investigate this later.

Lake Tahoe was my dominant property as I put 5,000 tier credits into a Jacks-or-better machine to tip my points balance into Seven Stars territory as I was not able to make it solely with online poker.

Since the benefits would only have come on February 1, the only way I’m effected is my Atlantis package which I already booked expecting to have Seven Stars in plenty of time to change the package. I will also have to wait to use the Caesar’s Palace Spa and Fitness Center, which was a perk I was eagerly looking forward.

Nothing to do but wait…

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